Christopher Hitchens

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There is a fascinating story and interview at

Christopher Hitchens, one of the best known of the “new atheists,” has been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. Although I disagree with his position on God’s existence, I wish him the very best in his treatment and I hope he recovers. And yes, I will say a prayer for him as will thousands, perhaps millions, of other believers, and there has even been a “Let’s Pray for Hitchens Day.” Believers in God should take care not to do anything out of mean spiritedness or “I told you so,” but only from genuine concern that Mr. Hitchens will recover from a terrible disease.

In May I lost my best friend to cancer–in her case, breast cancer. She was lucky to have been asymptomatic for most of the six years of the recurrence of the disease she thought she had beaten two years earlier. Yet when things began to wind down, she was in a great deal of pain, and her strong runner’s body bore the weight of the ravages of cancer. I wish this disease on no one. Christians should be wary about any hints of claiming any divine retribution against Mr. Hitchens. He engaged in some habits (smoking and drinking a bit much now and then. for example) that probably had more to do with his condition than any act of the deity. And I would have great difficulties affirming the goodness of a God who would directly inflict this terrible disease on anyone, including anyone who does not believeĀ  in God.

With those caveats, I will pray for Mr. Hitchens and for all people who suffer from the ravages of cancer and other terrible diseases. Of course I hope that Mr. Hitchens changes his mind about God’s existence, but if not, I hope he recovers, even if that means he remains a pain in the … for theists for a long time to come.